Audience Research

Who are your target markets and what makes them tick? Leverage audience research to create powerful brand connections and spur users to action on your website.


Before you take on a new website or digital strategy project, audience research unearths what actually speaks to your users and influences their decisions.

Using qualitative and quantitative methods, we break down audience needs and motivators to define actionable strategies for successful content and brand updates, website changes, and campaign strategies that improve user experiences, drive conversions, and boost ROI.

“Marketing leaders must ultimately address two questions: What space do we own in our consumers’ minds? and ‘What conversations matter to them?’”


How we work with your team

We work with you to better understand your markets through customized audience research services that suit your specific needs, goals, and organizational priorities — whether or not you already have sophisticated data and practices in place.

We can step lightly into this process to provide some impactful results now, and then work to increase value over time, or we can help with a more immediate ground-up digital strategy makeover. 

Frequently asked questions about Audience Research

What if we’ve already done our own audience research?

Awesome — we’re glad to you’ve prioritized this valuable step in any website or branding project. Our team reviews audience data you have on hand, synthesizes the results, and makes recommendations as to whether further research is in order.

Do I really need user personas if I already know my audiences?

User personas help you uncover nuances about specific types of audience members that you may not have thought about deeply before — or revisited recently. Keep in mind that, especially in our rapidly changing world, audiences evolve and markets change, and organizations lose out when they’re operating on outdated assumptions. Personas are valuable tools that we highly recommend for uncovering and addressing current user wants, needs, pain points, and motivators.

How do you incorporate inclusivity into your research approach?

We recognize that our team can only bring the perspectives that our backgrounds and lived experiences afford us, so we look to expand what we know — or think we know — by providing space for conversations, insights & experiences that support inclusivity & accessibility for all. This touches:

  • Development & execution of inclusive research practices
  • How we use research & translate it into inclusive design
  • How we assemble inclusive project teams